Happy Labour Day

From all of us here at Bond Tech Industries, we want to wish you a happy Labour Day long weekend.

In Canada, the Labour Day holiday as we know it came into effect in 1894.

In that year, working class citizens took to the streets of Toronto to propose the “eight hour movement”, which mandated:

  • 8 hours/day for work
  • 8 hours/day for recreation
  • 8 hours/day for rest

Today, Labour Day still celebrates the achievements of workers. And we know that nobody works as hard as you do.

So please make sure you take this weekend to sit back and relax.

After all, you’ve earned it.

The unofficial end of summer (and thanks for your summer business)

Labour Day weekend marks the unofficial end of summer.

Fall is just around the corner. The kids are going back-to-school. University and college semesters will be starting up.

It’s been a great summer here at Bond Tech because of you. We appreciate your continued loyalty and trust in us.

And we look forward to providing you even more great adhesive products and services in the autumn and beyond.

Summer, fall, winter, spring…we’re always here for you

Of course, Labour Day is the perfect time to take it easy.

But when it’s time to get back to work and get things done, we’re ready to help out.

All you have to do is tell us what you need, and we’ll work to make it happen for you.

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