Category Archives: Hot Melt Adhesives

Are Glue Sticks Right for Your Application?

Glue sticks are used with great success across a huge variety of industries. But just because they are common across so many applications doesnโ€™t mean hot melt adhesive sticks are right for yours. Make sure you get the right adhesives for your job by calling us to talk about your intended use, or read through

Hot Glue heating up

How a Glue Manufacturer Makes Hot Melt Adhesives

Every wonder how hot melt glues are made? Here, we explain how a glue manufacturer makes hot melt adhesives. It All Starts With the Base A glue manufacturer will make a hot melt adhesive by starting with one base material. The usual base materials are ethylene-vinyl acetates (EVA), polyolefins (PO), polyamides (PA), polyurethanes (PUR), and

Canada Post Mailboxes

Remoistenable Glues for Direct-Mail Response Material

Reply devices, such as tear-off envelopes or foldable postcards with a pre-glued edge, make it easy for customers to return order forms or information requests. Remoistenable glues, applied as part of the printing process, are a cost-effective technique for incorporating such a feature in your direct-mail campaign. Until 20 years ago, adding pre-glued direct response

6 Reasons Why Your Hot Melt Adhesive Isn’t Working

In a recent blog, we shared the most common misconceptions when it comes to boxes popping open, what causes them, and how you can fix them. Today, we are going to share varying reasons why your hot melt adhesive isnโ€™t working and what you can do to fix it. If youโ€™re like many manufacturers, you

Hot Melt vs. Water-Based Adhesives

Adhesives are used virtually everywhere to perform a variety of tasks, and the strength of the glue needed depends on the job. Whether it be packaging products, adhering rubber to rubber, assembling furniture, or using adhesives in an industrial environment, having a reliable and high-quality adhesive can make all the difference. Do you know which