Why Does My Glue Look Strange? Troubleshooting Glue Appearance Issues

You don’t want to see any adhesive on your finished product. A good adhesive does all its work behind the scenes. So, if you notice chalky lines or any other glue appearance issues, you may have a problem. Unsightly glue lines turn a great project, package or product from success to failure. But you don’t

Glue Formulation - Troubleshooting Pesky Water-Based Adhesive Issues

Troubleshooting Pesky Water-Based Adhesive Issues

Water-based adhesive issues are notoriously rare, as this glue is extremely user-friendly. Even if your business uses huge quantities of water-based adhesive in an industrial process, chances are you’ve never run into any issues. But there are the unlucky few that encounter an irritating, recurring problem. The solution is usually simple (for someone in the

Using glue on wood - What Should be Available at Your Adhesive Supply Company?

What Should be Available at Your Adhesive Supply Company?

A good adhesive supply company will have a wide range of products on offer. We here at Bond Tech Industries strive to have the widest product range possible while still maintaining the quality we are known for. Here is a look at the product list you should find at the supplier you choose and a

Common Adhesive Misconceptions: Why Boxes Pop Open

Adhesive issues and challenges happen to the best of us, despite our best attempts to try and avoid them. You trust in your adhesives to help you get your job done, but sometimes circumstances arise to create problems with your product or packaging appearance. Here are the most common adhesive misconceptions when it comes to

electric motors for mixing adhesives

The Water-Based Adhesive Manufacturing Process: An Overview

Many industries use water-based glues, including the woodworking, paper packaging, paper and labelling industries to name a few. Water-based adhesives come in many ‘flavours’ including PVA, PVOH, Rubber latex and Starch compositions. Without getting too technical, we’re going to take a peek at what water-based adhesives are and how they’re made. Let’s dive in! What is